Friday, April 12, 2019

7 lies you're telling yourself

success began with yourself, with your mind and how you make the most out of your conscience inability, yet people choose to self Savatage by absorbing self-damaging ideas and considering those to be true. if these lies become part of yourself you're already trapped and there's a little chance of you escaping you're going to go through life disappointed angry at the world and how unfair it is, without realizing that you brought most of it on yourself when you made the decision to accept these ideas as truth. with that said I want to bring a series of excuses we've heard people used justified a lot of action or success in your life is likely that you've heard them said by others maybe even yourself the goal of this article is to bring attention to them.

I'll start tomorrow or next Monday
why not right now why do you have to give yourself some leeway to do something that you know is  a right for you, the best time to start is today, the problem with postponing actions into the future is it makes it easier to keep pushing them away, this type of behavior belief into all aspects of your existing and makes you avoid taking actions that you know too improve your life, that's why people never quit smoking or go on a diet they postponed it for next Monday and then  proceeded to show food in their faces to the fullest, before than once they do begin their bodies are in hyperdrive, because of the excess it's been given and now ask for more making it even more difficult to start by not attacking the issue you had on, your just self-sabotage yourself .

I have all the time in the world
actually no you have just a few years ahead of you, a third of that time you'll be asleep on aware of what's going on, another third you'll be spending time doing trivial think like eating stuck in traffic you only a third of the time that you actually have to make the most out of your life and if you factoring the impact of raising kids and illnesses that time for yourself is cut in half so now you left with the truth, you don't have that much time, having time is the most expensive illusion to indulge yourself because you're spending the time you can't afford to spend and sooner than you think, the bills come and you're going to find yourself shocked, it all went away in the blink of an eye.

it's my parent's fault
cool let's play the blame game with everyone and everything else apart from yourself, it's super easy and convenient to trebuit your failure to an external store but the truth is everyone is living their own life with their own struggles and battles, you are living with yours, growing up you always look at your parents as providers caretaker and people who historically have being providing solution to your problems as you grow older and smarter the parent delusion slowly phase way and you begin to see your parents for what they really are, a couple of generic people trying there best to figure shit out,they had no idea what they were doing and have been winning if for years logically speaking theyhad it worse than you did in terms of access to resources and opportunity so quit bitching and get busy, sure the way you are because entitled is something you haven't earn

I don't know where to start or what to do
you're surrounded by opportunity if you pause redding right now and focus on it you'll probably come up with three ideas that excite you on the spot you're under the impression that you need a unique idea in order to be successful but that couldn't be further from the truth an idea it is worth a million dollars only after it's made a million dollar, ideas are worthless the difference is in the execution deep within yourself you exactly where to start what you need to do to get this  project you beenconsidering going, is just that you're scared of failure and embarrassment you're scared that you don'tknow enough let me tell you a little secret you don't need to know the entire course, take your first step, take a pease of paper and write down three things you can do to get started after you finish reading.

I'm too old for that
guess what we're living in the age of the internet, here nobody cares how old you are or what you look like, sure what you look like can be an advantage if you want to leverage it, but it's mostly how capable  you are of delivering value to other people, get that done and everything will take care of it though let us analyze each side of the coin I'm too old for this new world equals, I've made up my mind that I don't wish to complete here and I will live my remaining days and the mystery of my choices, what's you probably don't understand that with age you get wisdom something thesekids are lacking you don't need to compete with them at fair game leverage with I'm too young to start equals I use this as an excuse to play video games and not feel bad the truth is there's no longer an age limit, the sooner you start the quicker you'll grow in the beginning you make a ton of mistakes which eventually turn in to lessons this happened to everyone you'll have a unique advantage of going through these mistakes and lessons super early on and by the time you're in your meds 20s you're already way ahead on everyone else.

I'm special
ohh born under a special start , meant for something great that's why you think because you've only lived life as yourself, your the one experiencing this article right now you're the one looking at other people and observing them but the truth is a bunch of other people is reading this article at the exact moment you are, they observe and judge others at the same way you do wheel dare to even go further if you die today less than 20 people would be aware of that you're gone less than 20. everybody else on this planet earth will go about their day without any disturbance to there routine but here is what we want to take away from this point, you are not special until you become special, if you really want to get there be more than you are today create more, help more people, reach more  make a difference and the world will notice you if you do it for long enough or great enough until then put your head down and check your ego .

wealth is reserved for the privilege
we are no longer living in the 16 century, wealth is acceptable to anyone, a poor kid from India is running the largest store in the world, people go from homeless to multi-millionaire in less than a decade you're enjoying this piece of contents on a device more powerful than what humanity used to get the first people on the moon you are wealthy beyond imagination, you're just ungrateful, we are closing in on a historical point in time of equal opportunity the internet has made it possible for anyone to play around and it's marketplace if they decide to do so there is a literally  nothing stopping you from joining this incredible phenomenal, write a book and self-published, create any type of product that the value to someone else and people will buy it, is never being cheap purchase join that it is right now.

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