Wednesday, March 27, 2019

5 habits of successful people

waking up early 

the most successful people know that is simply changing routines can make all the difference by starting each morning at 5 or 6 o'clock they are adding hours of productive time to their day.

treating failure like gold 

any successful person will tell you that failure isn't just necessary, it gold in, but only if you how to learn from it, the first lesson any successful person learns is that failure is inevitable. I wish I could tell you that all your dream will come to life seamlessly but you well bound to run to a few roadblocks along the way.

ignoring conformity

weather you realize it or not conformity is a powerful social force that effects me every decision you make, but only if you let it. I'm here to tell you that the most people don't just think outside the box they live outside the box too, if you are spending every day trying to copy what's popular or what you see on tv you were missing one of the most important parts of success, innovation.

reading everyday

it's no coincidence that some of the world's most successful people are also added reader executivelike Elon musk, read for hours every single day, why, because reading and success go togetherlike milk and honey, countless studies have shown the advantage of reading regularly, reading put your brain on a mental treadmill stimulating growth in fending off diseases like dementia.

exercising consistently

successful people know that every accomplishment is building upon a sturdy foundation.reading and creative writing cultivate your mind a consistent exercise routine supplies the physical energy you need to achieve, by working out you are letting your body operate at 100%..when chasing after your prize you can still sharp positive and invincible instead of wasting your time with eliteness or fatigue not only do you feel good, but also look good.

Friday, March 15, 2019

10 jobs will thrive in the future

do you remember what life was like before the internet and iPhones existed?
probably not .
your life has been inundated with technology, but these tools didn't exist 20 years ago!!
that's means, future jobs will look very different in the next decades.
automation will concord the workforce leaving a large part of the population
without economic value, making the rich even richer.
but don't worry, though!future jobs will be more interesting than those of the past and will
involve knowledge creation and innovation.

jobs will thrive and pay well in the future

1)solar energy technician
2)wind energy technician
3)software developer
4)physical therapist
5)health manager
6)physical therapist 
7)data analyst
8)virtual designer


future jobs skills

the future is going to bring problems we've never seen before . in order to solvethese problems, we have to develop mental flexibility to think outside the boxand see the big picture.I recommend you to check this video for skills development that you"ll need in the future

8 things you should know before you start a business

starting a business is very hard, especially if you have no idea what you're doing.
b starting t before we get started I want to clarify one point that I find incredible value.
starting a business is not for everybody, you can also be successful working for someone
else, it all depends on who you are as a person.
but if you believe you are destined to be an entrepreneur and looking to start a business,
this will help you figure out the game plan.

things you should know

1)you don't need money to start a business
2)nobody cares about your business more than you 
3)success depends on your ability to manage your resources 
4)a business without an end game is headed nowhere
5)fail fast and adapt quickly 
6)be ready to make sacrifices
7)there are no shortcuts 
8)talk is cheap

before starting a business

the mistake new entrepreneurs usually make is they try to get a mentor too early
a good mentor would want to see the result first.
it's important for you to get a bit of traction and have some experience first.
the real value comes from building a solid foundation and laying brick next to brick until you put together your dream.

7 businesses you can start for free

starting a business is very hard, especially if you have no idea what you're doing.
but before we get a start I want to clarify one point that I find incredibly valuable.
it's not the money that makes a business successful but the time and effort put in..

a business you can start 

1)freelancing your skills 
2)publish your own book 
3)create specific content on patreon
4)social media management
5)build a cosmetics brand
6)start a blog 

how to start a business 

building a business never been easier than today, the internet has created more and more opportunities for everyone.
in June 2018 more than 55% of the world population has internet access, the internet continues to grow more and more so you just need to get your butt off and get to work.

gary vee one's said* the internet is a miracle* so start to exploit it.

8 principles you should live by

success is no accident living a great life will not come by luck there is no magic wand or quick fix.
there are principles that lead to success if you commit to doing these things you will lead a life of success and happiness.


1)follow your own path
2)take responsibility for your life 
3)never stop learning on your self 
4)habit make you or break you
5)fear is an illusion 
6)patience is power
7)its never to late to be great
8)no one will believe in you until you do it

principles you should live by

there are no limits relating to what you can achieve, what you can have is up to you, who you can be is up to you, you are your only limit no one else can stop you from having anything or being anyone you decide to be, only if you did  take responsibility for where you are in life ,successful people don't make excuses or blame others , this world is full of opinions .none of them should influence where you want to be in life .

the key to a great life is growth that comes from self-development remember to feed your mind every day.    *the more you learn the more you will earn* _ Warren Buffett

if you want it bad, you must be prepared to work for it, to fight for it to give up everything for it if it's worth the price, it's worth the fight,  never too late to amaze yourself

10 things you can't control in life

life is filled with things we can't control, so as humans we worry a lot about those things.
that's why I dedicate this entire list to realize the things you can not control so you can be free
to stop worrying about them and start focusing on the things that you can change.

1) when you were born                                                           
2) where you were born
3) who  your parents are
4) your past                                           
5) if someone loves you or not                                   
6) the government
7) your luck
8) talent
9) time
        *people are so scared of dying that they forget to live*

things you can't control

my goal of this was to make you understand that there are things beyond your control so you

shouldn't waste time worrying about things you have no power over.

instead, focus on those you can control.
                                       *the best thing you can do is embrace it*

10 skills you have to develop if you want to be seccessful

there are several skills you need to have if you want to succeed in life so this list is for those who want to be successful, so I recommend you to grab a piece of paper and write this down.
this skill is what you need to be  successful in life
1) discipline
2) self-motivation
3) reading habits                     
4) make sacrifices
5) play the long game
6) maintaining focus                                      
7) emotional intelligence
8) motivate & inspire others
9) continue to learn
10) ability to change

success in life
in life success its a marathon, no matter howit's difficult you have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

if you want to get in shape, you have to hit the gym every single day, no matter what if its snowingoutside or just you don't feel like it. *there is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs*rich and successful people never stop learning, not only through reading but learning from everything that's around them. it is amazing how much you can learn about life from just observing what happening

Dwayne Johnson once said *success isn't overnight, its when every day you get a little better than the day*

Best steps to master self-descipline

self-discipline is one of the hardest things to master because we live in the age of social media our world filled with distraction and we are surrounded by shiny things promising us happiness only to be disappointed by money poorly spent and miserable life.

master self-descipline

               *if you master self-discipline, any feasible dream becomes an objective              
                                                                                        that is separated from you only by time*
your ability to descipline your mind is the most important skill you need to devolep on your journy to sucess, without it ,the only thing you could hope for, is luck. self-desciplineyou have to understand that even the longest journey can be achieved if you keep putting one foot in front of the other

 Im gonna be honest with you ,its gonna be hard and most of you will probably fail at this , because   you don't have what it takes to make it .but for the very few of you who do manage to implement this into your lives,damn.. the game will be so much easier to  play.

7 rules to be happy in life

hey there billionaireshacks initially we were going to make a fluff article about spirituality and how happiness comes from within but aft...